1168 Jewett Road,   Skaneateles, NY 13152

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Personal Handgun, Home Defense and Concealed Carry Course

Men & Women's USCCA
​Concealed Carry and Home Defense Permit Class



Next class scheduled​ @ BassPro Auburn

Bass Pro Shop, Auburn, NY

April 12th and 13th, 2025

2-day Seminar Held Sat. & Sun, 9:15AM to 6:00PM; Live Fire Range Sessions with Instructor for Class Participants Held at Skaneateles Rod & Gun Club, Skaneateles, NY. Range times set up to accommodate class participants

Skaneateles Rod & Gun Club

1168 Jewett Rd., Skaneateles, NY

This nationally known course is the flagship course of the United States Concealed Carry Association and is used by many governing agencies around the country as required training for Pistol Permit and Concealed Carry Licenses.  Taught by a USCCA certified instructor who must recertify every two years, this course is more comprehensive than your average courses for Pistol Permits.  The course not only addresses handgun training but also carrying a handgun safely and confidently.  The course teaches home defense, how not to be a victim, conflict avoidance, understanding the legal use of force and how to protect yourself legally following a self-defensive action.  Employing state-of-the-art graphics, laser pistol training and a separately scheduled live fire range session, the course is friendly to the novice shooter as well as to those more experienced in handling a handgun.  The textbook is available for purchase ($30) which covers the material and includes the graphics and illustrations used in the classroom presentation and more.  It serves as a reference manual to the student after class.  Students successfully completing the class will receive Separate USCCA certificates that are recognized by many municipalities as meeting the Pistol safety class requirement for Pistol Permits and Concealed Carry Licenses. Call (315) 664-2474 or visit DefenseInstructors.com for more information or to register.  You may register for classes at this link by pay pal or credit or debit card.  You may also register by check of money order by mail.  Registration is required by reserving a place in the class. A USCCA Certified Instructor who meets your state requirements teaches this USCCA course.


Price Includes Range Cost. Firearms are available for range exercise for those who do not have one.

  This class is taught in a 2-day seminar.  See registration for tuition for your class.

 Discounts available for spouses attending and for groups of 3 or more attending together.

For Information or to register call 315 664 2474 or email at info@defenseinstructors.com .  
Register online at

USCCA Concealed Carry and Home Defense


Gun Safety & Training courses for 2025